Oil painting, done in abstract style. Title is C-10, part of a series exploring the effect of color on composition, so this series always will have a circle in a rectangle.

The idea of working in series started helping me about two years ago. By doing this, and using limited pallates, a needed discipline was introduced into my painting routine. Since painting was not a profession then, time restraints and subject matter had no restraints. (Which is an arguement for supporting oneself with a day job; but, day jobs don’t always work out - also employers tend to want all of their worker’s time.) For me, restraints provide a direction for my paintings.

I say restraints, but it is more like intentional habits that form my process like I do a painting. Partially muscle memory, how one stands, pressure of a pallete knife or brush on the chosen canvas, and even how one holds the instrument. When I am not worrying about composition, I can focus on those details.

I have no idea if this is helpful to anyone. Sometimes, I just need to put things into words to understand things in my head.

B Powell


I Am Not A Corgi


My Name is Brian